Represents a WebFeatures.


  • WebFeatures




archiveV2: Flag

WebFeatures archiveV2.

catalog: Flag

WebFeatures catalog.

changeNumberV2: Flag

WebFeatures changeNumberV2.

disappearingMode: Flag

WebFeatures disappearingMode.

e2ENotificationSync: Flag

WebFeatures e2ENotificationSync.

ephemeral24HDuration: Flag

WebFeatures ephemeral24HDuration.

ephemeralAllowGroupMembers: Flag

WebFeatures ephemeralAllowGroupMembers.

ephemeralMessages: Flag

WebFeatures ephemeralMessages.

externalMdOptInAvailable: Flag

WebFeatures externalMdOptInAvailable.

frequentlyForwardedSetting: Flag

WebFeatures frequentlyForwardedSetting.

groupDogfoodingInternalOnly: Flag

WebFeatures groupDogfoodingInternalOnly.

groupUiiCleanup: Flag

WebFeatures groupUiiCleanup.

groupsV3: Flag

WebFeatures groupsV3.

groupsV3Create: Flag

WebFeatures groupsV3Create.

groupsV4JoinPermission: Flag

WebFeatures groupsV4JoinPermission.

labelsDisplay: Flag

WebFeatures labelsDisplay.

labelsEdit: Flag

WebFeatures labelsEdit.

liveLocations: Flag

WebFeatures liveLocations.

liveLocationsFinal: Flag

WebFeatures liveLocationsFinal.

mdForceUpgrade: Flag

WebFeatures mdForceUpgrade.

mediaUpload: Flag

WebFeatures mediaUpload.

mediaUploadRichQuickReplies: Flag

WebFeatures mediaUploadRichQuickReplies.

noDeleteMessageTimeLimit: Flag

WebFeatures noDeleteMessageTimeLimit.

payments: Flag

WebFeatures payments.

queryStatusV3Thumbnail: Flag

WebFeatures queryStatusV3Thumbnail.

queryVname: Flag

WebFeatures queryVname.

quickRepliesQuery: Flag

WebFeatures quickRepliesQuery.

recentStickers: Flag

WebFeatures recentStickers.

recentStickersV2: Flag

WebFeatures recentStickersV2.

recentStickersV3: Flag

WebFeatures recentStickersV3.

settingsSync: Flag

WebFeatures settingsSync.

starredStickers: Flag

WebFeatures starredStickers.

statusRanking: Flag

WebFeatures statusRanking.

stickerPackQuery: Flag

WebFeatures stickerPackQuery.

support: Flag

WebFeatures support.

templateMessage: Flag

WebFeatures templateMessage.

templateMessageInteractivity: Flag

WebFeatures templateMessageInteractivity.

thirdPartyStickers: Flag

WebFeatures thirdPartyStickers.

userNotice: Flag

WebFeatures userNotice.

videoPlaybackUrl: Flag

WebFeatures videoPlaybackUrl.

vnameV2: Flag

WebFeatures vnameV2.

voipGroupCall: Flag

WebFeatures voipGroupCall.

voipIndividualIncoming: Flag

WebFeatures voipIndividualIncoming.

voipIndividualOutgoing: Flag

WebFeatures voipIndividualOutgoing.

voipIndividualVideo: Flag

WebFeatures voipIndividualVideo.


  • Converts this WebFeatures to JSON.

    Returns {
        [k: string]: any;

    JSON object

    • [k: string]: any
  • Decodes a WebFeatures message from the specified reader or buffer.


    • reader: Uint8Array | Reader

      Reader or buffer to decode from

    • Optional length: number

      Message length if known beforehand

    Returns WebFeatures



    If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer


    If required fields are missing

  • Decodes a WebFeatures message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.


    • reader: Uint8Array | Reader

      Reader or buffer to decode from

    Returns WebFeatures



    If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer


    If required fields are missing

  • Encodes the specified WebFeatures message. Does not implicitly verify messages.


    • message: IWebFeatures

      WebFeatures message or plain object to encode

    • Optional writer: Writer

      Writer to encode to

    Returns Writer


  • Encodes the specified WebFeatures message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.


    • message: IWebFeatures

      WebFeatures message or plain object to encode

    • Optional writer: Writer

      Writer to encode to

    Returns Writer


  • Creates a WebFeatures message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.


    • object: {
          [k: string]: any;

      Plain object

      • [k: string]: any

    Returns WebFeatures


  • Creates a plain object from a WebFeatures message. Also converts values to other types if specified.


    • message: WebFeatures


    • Optional options: IConversionOptions

      Conversion options

    Returns {
        [k: string]: any;

    Plain object

    • [k: string]: any
  • Verifies a WebFeatures message.


    • message: {
          [k: string]: any;

      Plain object to verify

      • [k: string]: any

    Returns null | string

    null if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not

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