Represents a SyncActionValue.


  • SyncActionValue




agentAction?: null | IAgentAction

SyncActionValue agentAction.

androidUnsupportedActions?: null | IAndroidUnsupportedActions

SyncActionValue androidUnsupportedActions.

archiveChatAction?: null | IArchiveChatAction

SyncActionValue archiveChatAction.

chatAssignment?: null | IChatAssignmentAction

SyncActionValue chatAssignment.

chatAssignmentOpenedStatus?: null | IChatAssignmentOpenedStatusAction

SyncActionValue chatAssignmentOpenedStatus.

clearChatAction?: null | IClearChatAction

SyncActionValue clearChatAction.

contactAction?: null | IContactAction

SyncActionValue contactAction.

deleteChatAction?: null | IDeleteChatAction

SyncActionValue deleteChatAction.

deleteMessageForMeAction?: null | IDeleteMessageForMeAction

SyncActionValue deleteMessageForMeAction.

externalWebBetaAction?: null | IExternalWebBetaAction

SyncActionValue externalWebBetaAction.

keyExpiration?: null | IKeyExpiration

SyncActionValue keyExpiration.

labelAssociationAction?: null | ILabelAssociationAction

SyncActionValue labelAssociationAction.

labelEditAction?: null | ILabelEditAction

SyncActionValue labelEditAction.

localeSetting?: null | ILocaleSetting

SyncActionValue localeSetting.

markChatAsReadAction?: null | IMarkChatAsReadAction

SyncActionValue markChatAsReadAction.

marketingMessageAction?: null | IMarketingMessageAction

SyncActionValue marketingMessageAction.

marketingMessageBroadcastAction?: null | IMarketingMessageBroadcastAction

SyncActionValue marketingMessageBroadcastAction.

muteAction?: null | IMuteAction

SyncActionValue muteAction.

nuxAction?: null | INuxAction

SyncActionValue nuxAction.

pinAction?: null | IPinAction

SyncActionValue pinAction.

pnForLidChatAction?: null | IPnForLidChatAction

SyncActionValue pnForLidChatAction.

primaryFeature?: null | IPrimaryFeature

SyncActionValue primaryFeature.

primaryVersionAction?: null | IPrimaryVersionAction

SyncActionValue primaryVersionAction.

privacySettingRelayAllCalls?: null | IPrivacySettingRelayAllCalls

SyncActionValue privacySettingRelayAllCalls.

pushNameSetting?: null | IPushNameSetting

SyncActionValue pushNameSetting.

quickReplyAction?: null | IQuickReplyAction

SyncActionValue quickReplyAction.

recentEmojiWeightsAction?: null | IRecentEmojiWeightsAction

SyncActionValue recentEmojiWeightsAction.

removeRecentStickerAction?: null | IRemoveRecentStickerAction

SyncActionValue removeRecentStickerAction.

securityNotificationSetting?: null | ISecurityNotificationSetting

SyncActionValue securityNotificationSetting.

starAction?: null | IStarAction

SyncActionValue starAction.

stickerAction?: null | IStickerAction

SyncActionValue stickerAction.

subscriptionAction?: null | ISubscriptionAction

SyncActionValue subscriptionAction.

timeFormatAction?: null | ITimeFormatAction

SyncActionValue timeFormatAction.

timestamp: number | Long

SyncActionValue timestamp.

unarchiveChatsSetting?: null | IUnarchiveChatsSetting

SyncActionValue unarchiveChatsSetting.

userStatusMuteAction?: null | IUserStatusMuteAction

SyncActionValue userStatusMuteAction.


  • Converts this SyncActionValue to JSON.

    Returns {
        [k: string]: any;

    JSON object

    • [k: string]: any
  • Decodes a SyncActionValue message from the specified reader or buffer.


    • reader: Uint8Array | Reader

      Reader or buffer to decode from

    • Optional length: number

      Message length if known beforehand

    Returns SyncActionValue



    If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer


    If required fields are missing

  • Decodes a SyncActionValue message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.


    • reader: Uint8Array | Reader

      Reader or buffer to decode from

    Returns SyncActionValue



    If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer


    If required fields are missing

  • Encodes the specified SyncActionValue message. Does not implicitly verify messages.


    • message: ISyncActionValue

      SyncActionValue message or plain object to encode

    • Optional writer: Writer

      Writer to encode to

    Returns Writer


  • Encodes the specified SyncActionValue message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.


    • message: ISyncActionValue

      SyncActionValue message or plain object to encode

    • Optional writer: Writer

      Writer to encode to

    Returns Writer


  • Creates a SyncActionValue message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.


    • object: {
          [k: string]: any;

      Plain object

      • [k: string]: any

    Returns SyncActionValue


  • Creates a plain object from a SyncActionValue message. Also converts values to other types if specified.


    • message: SyncActionValue


    • Optional options: IConversionOptions

      Conversion options

    Returns {
        [k: string]: any;

    Plain object

    • [k: string]: any
  • Verifies a SyncActionValue message.


    • message: {
          [k: string]: any;

      Plain object to verify

      • [k: string]: any

    Returns null | string

    null if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not

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